All things for Microsoft SQL Server

Hey DBAs check this out!

Jun 21, 2018

I saw this blog entry on ‘Announcing dbachecks – Configurable PowerShell Validation For Your SQL Instances

The blog goes into details on many of the powershell script options. It also discusses some of the features such as:

  • 80+ checks including Agent, database, domain, HADR, Instance, log shipping, server and maintenance plans.
  • Compare SQL Server settings to default settings.
  • Compare SQL server to configured settings.
  • 100+ configurations to skip, check a value, or not run specific tests.
  • Option to check Ola Hallengren configurations.

Best of all the entire Powershell script is Open Source at github.

dbachecks is a must have in your DBA Powershell Toolbox. You can find up to date scripts and info at