Article review: Fundamentals of SQL Server Statistics by Esat Erkec. Erkec is a SQL Server professional who began his career 8+ years ago as a Software Developer and he is a SQL Server Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert.
Erkec’s article is excellent at explaining the fundamentals of SQL Server statistics.
Points discussed by Erkec:
- Statistics play a key role in SQL query performance
- Auto Create Statistics option of the database can be enabled
- Commands to view SQL query statistics
- Detailed example with a SQL query plan
- Outdated SQL Server statistics
- SQL Query optimizer rules to update statistics
- Trace flag 8757
- SQL Query Recompilation reasons
- Use extended events with watch live data option
Ok DBA colleagues, get back to fundamental basics of SQL Server statistics when you find that onery query you are trying to optimize. Erkec offers a few ways to attack and resolve those queries when SQL Server statistics are not looking good.
I give the article “Fundamentals of SQL Server Statistics” by Esat Erkec a thumbs up.
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