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Do not be that DBA guy!

Here’s an Oldies but goodies blog article from 2015 by Andy Mallon that still works in 2019: Watch your step! Don’t become a DBA a-hole

Andy makes some good points for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs but works for everyone.

  • DBAs … have a terrible reputation for being curmudgeons, jerks, and a-holes.
  • You have to earn the respect of your peers and coworkers. That’s how you become an authority.
  • Use your experience to justify your decisions and authority. Instead of getting defensive, get logical.
  • Even the best, smartest people are wrong sometimes.

Wow! So who never worked with that guy who is a DBA A-hole or boss A-hole! Right?

In no way will you ever convert a DBA A-hole or boss A-hole. And don’t even think that it will change over time either. Do not ruin your career by working with that DBA guy or that bad manager when there are so many great companies looking for your talent. Right?

The only remedy is to find your next job. It makes your job search and job interviews that much easier when you know that the next job cannot be as bad. When you give notice and leave for the new job, don’t be that DBA guy! Right?