So you want to be a freelance DBA, DBA consultant or DBA Gig worker?
Many, many great points and key questions asked and answered in a webcast by Kendra Little at ‘Dear SQL DBA: I Want to Work for Myself‘ 2 webinar quotes…
The Ugly about being a Database Gig Worker
The UGLY !!! During my IT career, I owned an IT consulting company that lasted about 5 years. 5 years is the normal for a small business before folding. And…
The Bad about being a SQL Server Database Gig Worker
The BAD !!! During my IT career, I owned an IT consulting company that lasted about 5 years. 5 years is the normal for a small business before folding. And…
The Good about being a SQL Server Database Gig Worker
The Good !!! During my IT career, I owned an IT consulting company that lasted about 5 years. 5 years is the normal for a small business before folding. And…