Webinar review of: “The Top 4 Data Technology Trends Every DBA Should Know About in 2019” by Kevin Kline a SentryOne Principal Program Manager, Mark Allison a DevOps data engineer working for Sabin.IO, Chrissy LeMaire the creator of the popular PowerShell module, dbatools and David Klee the founder of Heraflux Technologies.
The webinar was presented back in January 2019 and runs about 77 minutes. The technology trends discussed were a good call even as I write this blog post in July 2019. Kline and the other presenters gave an overview of the trending technologies that SQL Server DBAs should be learning or updating their skillset. Hopefully, you are already using one or more of the technologies presented in the webinar.
These technology trends were discussed during the webinar:
- DevOps for databases
- Think – Build – Operate
- Release small and often
- Validate quickly and Fail fast
- Start now, start small, iterate
- Plan – Develop – Deploy – Measure
- Azure and Amazon AWS has a strong adpoption
- This is changing the DBA skillset
- Powershell helps automate cloud processes
- Containers vs Virtualization are discussed
- Containers are faster to create and destroy
- Orchestration is a way to create an automated workflow process that is self maintaining
- The natural next step to turn data into useful information
- Python, R, T-SQL are typically used
- R is faster but Python faster to learn
- R is stats only while Python has more uses
- Microsoft Team Data Science Process (TDSP) provides a methodology
- Data wrangling, exploration and cleaning are ongoing tasks
Cloud Computing run by PowerShell
Containers / Docker /Kubernetes / Orchestration
Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Thumbs up for this webinar: The Top 4 Data Technology Trends Every DBA Should Know About in 2019 by Kevin Kline and others.
Dbas you want to be trendy? Right?
Ed2Go –Intermediate SQL
Expand your knowledge of Structured Query Language (SQL), the industry standard database programming language. In this course, you’ll learn techniques that will enable you to write powerful queries that perform complicated searches and sorts on your data.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to use a wide range of advanced SQL techniques with confidence. Your new skills with databases will enhance your competitiveness in the technical fields of software development and database…